Barton Fencing

Here the client inherited a rotten fence only being held together by the different varieties of ivy and jasmine growing up it. It always sounds simple to tear out the old fence and replace with the new. But cutting back and getting rid of this fence proved to be a worthy adversary.

Once removing the fence typically there were old hedge stumps where every fence post hole had to be dug. Here we used half a foot concrete gravel boards with your box standard fence panels. After the removal of the previous fence the ivy that grew above did provide some much-needed privacy to the garden. The 6-foot panels did not quite achieve the same effect, so the additional trellis was added after.

The old camelia and yew trucks were dug out and space was created for the client to add additional planting when suits. We did provide some of our own cuttings to help give encouragement for the challenge ahead.

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